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Info: 'Dr. No' - Rare Uncut Version 1st Beta/VHS release 1982

Great work Williarob even though you had to jump through enough hoops yourself. We salute you!
It was certainly a trip down memory lane for me as well!
I’m the MI6 user Grunther in that discussion and I do remember corresponding with this “workprint collector” Gunbarrels007 which lead absolutely nowhere.

His original post was edited so I can’t remember his claims but through the trail I went on, he probably wasn’t able to play Dr No but was happy to spread these myths and wet peoples appetites with infuriating 2 second clips of the Goldeneye workprint …being more interested in youtube views than preservation.

His youtube channel (Robert Bolton) shows him not to be particularly legit- as he passes himself of as Pierce Brosnan in a shoddy made gun barrel claiming it to be a screen cap of an alternate.

I see he also surfaced on here last year:

Reading back through the MI6 discussion…I recall how completely indirect he was and having a very active imagination, conjuring up whole alternate versions of film based on a on-set photographers still.

In the middle of all this, in 2014 I PM’d him asking if he would like to trade against many Bond related TV programs I had collected. After that failed attempt, I asked if he would give me the name of the CBn member so I could discuss directly. Again no joy.

Searching CBn myself, I believed I found the user - check this out, dating back to 2007:

The post is started by a “Dkrausee”, using similar language such as “more video information”. WTF is that I do not know- video artefacts?!

Further down, his “friend”, FLEMINGFAN responds and is none too pleased. However he reveals its temp tracked with Leon which we know was true from interviews with Serra.

It all seems to tie up and we have our man, unfortunately by then FLEMINGFAN was not active on those forums so I didn’t get a response.

There had also been other uploads that had LTK music patched in - whether this is another genuine version of the rough cut or was done by Robert, I would have to check more. Sometimes a “Not for duplicate” caption appears and its only ever scenes from the 1st half of the film. I’m sure if he did have it all ripped, he would have teased the shit out of a lot more.

All that was left was to reach out and encourage Dkrausee/Gunbarrels007/Robert Bolton to pass it on to the Dossier like I and many others had been doing.
I really don’t see the point of it collecting dust only for a couple of pairs of eyes to see it. I really don’t get that whatsoever.

As a spin off to this- in that CBn discussion I see there is mention of a daylights trailer that had an anti-piracy warning. Has anyone here ever seen that?

Here’s the poster of it:

James Bond - The Living Daylights - 35mm (Released)

I’ve been looking at the recent 2160p version floating around, believed to be from iTunes.

Using some of the shots here as a guide, its clear that the excessive greens and reds of the Lowry have been toned down a bit, it’s now kind of half way back to the look of the SE DVD. More fine detail is a struggle to see - numbers on the gauges do appear a bit sharper. In the case of faces there isn’t a huge difference to extra detail, the tweaked Lowry holds up well for what it is but no such tools are needed and it just seems more natural and organic now.

I’ve spent a fair time looking at all of them actually, expecting to see more fine detail due to the jump in 4K. I’ve pretty much drawn a blank on that front and if I didn’t know better was looking at the HD blown up.
The 9 that were scanned at 4K are also pretty much the same except for Diamonds Are Forever. There is a definite uptick for that one and for Golden Gun, presumably a new scan. It’s slightly more cropped, more desaturated but more fine detail.

In the case of Daylights though, clearly some more work was done… the grain pattern is possibly different and a lot more visible. When the Tangier caption appears there is a sudden overlay of even more corse grain due to that optical. There isn’t in the Lowry.
This could still very much be the MGM HD master though.

Goldeneye - 35mm Scan and Preservation (a WIP)

austin98989 said:

The one i had (35gb copy) was pretty bloated and was trumped with a non-bloated 14gb copy. It has 5.1ch DTS english audio.

So it’s a compressed track and not the lossless DTS-HD.
I wonder why they used that because ATV4K can deliver lossless tracks.
It’s almost like they are holding back some features for the physical discs like HDR and some new lossless original audio. At least that’s what I’m hoping!
Another release with poor original audio and I’ll begin to lose the will.

Turisu said:

superbond said:
Dr No seems too dark and contrasty. This ones a total fail as its obliterated the day for night scenes when they arrive at Crab Key and battle the “dragon”.

I just checked this out and, as far as I can tell, this scene looks the same as the BD. The day-for-night scene when they encounter the dragon is dark as it should be. Where exactly is the effect missing?

It might be due to this copy floating around but when Connery is talking to Felix, then getting into the boat, unlike the Blu-ray, its’ so dark you can’t make out anything on his face. It’s all an inky black mess. Others running ATV4K have also found the same.

kchrules said:

When the “Ultimate Edition” of the (then 20) 007 movies came out, weren’t those movies already in 4k before they were scaled down to DVD and Blu Ray? They did have a “4k Restoration” credit at the end of some of those movies I remember. And in one of the making of segments 4k came up once or twice. I can’t imagine they did new scans, maybe the original Blu Rays and DVDs were heavily compressed (or DNR’d to death in the case of the Brosnan Movies).

Also GE 35mm is beautiful. Thank you so much

Thats right they did have that credit and I’ve seen a handful of them at screenings using the DCPs by Park Circus.
And you’re correct, they are the same versions (where 4K was used). I’ve been going through them and most are just a 2160p bump of the Blu Rays. Many still have that faux grain or virtually no grain. Majesty’s still has the clipped whites and all the other issues, but I could make out an uptick in detail on DAF. LALD is more curious, the framing is identical but perhaps they had gone back a few more steps in the Lowry process as there is more visible grain.

Goldeneye - 35mm Scan and Preservation (a WIP)

austin98989 said:

trillary dump said:

austin98989 said:

This is the 4k scan from the studio themselfs. MGM. This is not a scan from the project.

Oh my bad! It looks like MGM learned their lesson after that awful blu ray transfer.

Yea i have the full 4k file. 35gb. It looks stunning. There are cropping issues however. so they still managed to flup it up.

There are numerous 4k/h.265 Bonds out now ranging from 14gb - 20gb. I’ve not seen any above that.
Some comments over at reddit suggesting they have had the blu ray DTS-HD track from the blu ray sync’d in.
What tracks do yours have?

I’ve only spot-checked but I think they’ve done a banging job with Goldeneye. Grain is back and DNR + EE is gone. If it is cropped, it only seems to be by a fraction. I’ve only compared 1 scene to the BD though.

Golden Gun which is new to 4k has more than a fraction cropped and subjected to more muted colours than the BD. Despite the grain coming back, i’m disappointed with that.

Dr No seems too dark and contrasty. This ones a total fail as its obliterated the day for night scenes when they arrive at Crab Key and battle the “dragon”. Other ones that originally had 4k scans seem to stick to the grades of the BD’s.

Info: James Bond - Laserdisc Preservations: 1962-1971

Some of the blu-rays have been further altered from their UE counterparts so it would be interesting to make the comparison complete.

The transfers prepared for HDTV also seem to be different.


All this makes me wonder what the next home video set has in store for us. Will they scrap the Lowry transfers and start over for 4k ultra blu-rays? There’s a lot to correct, not least some of the squeezed title sequences. What value added features will be conjured up to make us buy them again? Original lossless audio would be at the top of the list I imagine.

Info: James Bond - Laserdisc Preservations: 1962-1971

captainsolo said:

For years we've only been able to guess at if the MGM work was correct.

It doesn’t look like they can make up their mind either. The colour variations over the years have been huge, I’m just thinking of the current Thunderball blu-ray and its rather washed out, natural look. There must be resources out there they can locate, even for the older UA films.

Help: looking for... 'The Living Daylights' - Workprint?

Amazing effort- thank you. It's becoming a great resource of rare Bond media.

Although this is about the Daylights workprint, has anyone come across information regarding a Goldeneye workprint? Some collectors have it. I believe it to have music temped in from La Femme Nikita and The Professional and many more camera angles and violent shots.

Help: looking for... 'The Living Daylights' - Workprint?

Fantastic websites there Williarob. Many thanks for the dload links on many of the files. There's a view videos like the Never Say Never Again premiere that don't have a link though and streaming doesn't work to great for me, could links be made?

Also here's another list of differences in the absence of the Jubilee website:


Info: James Bond - Laserdisc Preservations: 1962-1971

Hello, i've browsed this forum for many years but this is my first post.

Been a big fan of the original 3 "Banned Bond" releases and listened to those commentaries a few times now- thank you FF for bringing them to DVD.

Wanted to ask had there been any further projects that have been released since? either conversions or perhaps some of the audio tracks from the LD's?

I also wondered if anyone had further information on a Goldeneye workprint that seems to have surfaced. I'm presuming its the one with some music temped in from La Femme Nikita and The Professional. I was hoping to link a couple of clips on youtube but they've been recently taken down. One was Alec seen shooting the laboratory worker in the facility and the other showed an extra shot of the barrels after they have fallen on the soldiers not seen in the released movie.

As an aside, there is a website here that you guys might be very interested in - an archive of Bond on home video- you may even be able to contribute where a few of the covers are missing!
