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<strong>4K77</strong> - Released

rainbow battle kid said:

for the record i can’t stand the special editions lol

i just like the other non-prequel films and it bugs me if SW77 is the only one without the episode number, plus that original crawl DOES look off to me because it’s not what my vhs had.

i certainly understand preferring the original though, and the value of historically preserving it. it just sucks cause i feel like people either fall into “don’t care about the changes”, or “only want the original theatrical 77 version” and it’s tough being not QUITE in one camp or the other when the ONLY change I like is the 81 crawl

It probably has the words staying on a bit longer, and slowly fading out once they are very far away, I presume?

<strong>4K77</strong> - Released

I wish someone with really good skills would recreate the original '77 Opening Crawl. The 4k77 is fairly good, but it’s missing the proper “words fading out” as seen in '77. It’s very similar to how the '81 looks, but obviously doesn’t have the “Episode IV” or “A New Hope” wording in it…among other things.

Anyone here interesting in re-creating it?

4k77 - shot by shot color grading (a WIP)

Dek Rollins said:

NeverarGreat’s version was not foolproof. Tech prints of Star Wars generally had a lot of green casting, especially in the dark areas IIRC. That shot may be an anomaly from that specific print, but even then, it would be generally accurate.

Oh no…I’m not saying that NeverarGreat’s is perfect, it may have its own “flaws”, but IIRC, it’s closer color and gamma-wise, to the theatrical version that I saw in the summer of '77, than the current ungraded 4k77. I however, had not see a Technicolor version until project 4k77, but find it suspect that it is cast with so much green, and believe that it was more of a mistake in rendering, than how it really should look. But I am thrilled that Dre can make it look so good with his Luts, if the rendering proves this to truly be how a Tech Print really does look.

4k77 - shot by shot color grading (a WIP)

ChainsawAsh said:

Well, the Tech print is going to have a green cast just because it’s a Tech print, and the 4K77 colors are meant to show what’s on the print, green cast and all.

Yes, but it has more than just a ‘cast’ to it. Something went amiss, but it was caught:

This is from NeverarGreat’s Tech V1:

Anyway, it looks like Dre’s Lut fixes this. Dre, is there any chance you can show us this particular shot, using your new Lut?

4k77 - shot by shot color grading (a WIP)

towne32 said:

I didn’t say that I don’t see that there is green. There is plenty of it in some shots. Just clarifying that the idea that it is an error or mishap is your own personal assessment, right? It read as if there might have been multiple people discussing/confirming the mishap on the other forum, but you meant that you also brought up the idea there?

As far as the pink goes, yes, Dre does seem to be suggesting that there is an error with how his LUTs were applied or rendered.

I think that I may have been the first to write about the green cast on the other forum, yes. Rob stated that he may have “disabled the wrong layer and accidentally output the the wrong version…” I am not accusing Rob of anything, I just made him aware of the green cast, and now I myself see the pink in there as well. It looks like Dre’s new Lut here may have taken out the pink and perhaps the green as well?

4k77 - shot by shot color grading (a WIP)

DrDre said:

Deloreanhunter12 said:

I find it really funny that now all main color sources for tantive iv are all primary colors (Revenge of The Sith = Red, Special Edition 2011 Episode 4 = Blue, Dr. Dre 4k77 color grade = Green)

The current color grading is meant to approximate the look of a projected technicolor print, and thus has somewhat of a green cast as technicolor prints do.

However, I do believe there was an error, or mishap, and too much Green Cast is present in the current 4k77, if you look at the current discussion on the Other forum.

Star Wars Trilogy SE bluray color regrade (a WIP)

DrDre said:

dlvh said:

DrDre said:

The bluray regrade, which will be done in parallel with the 4k77 color grading, has been updated:

Looking pretty good, Dre, but it still seems a bit dark…IMHO. If you bump up the Gamma/Brightness/Contrast a bit, to the level of NeverarGreat’s Tech V1 version, wouldn’t that be a bit better?

For me personally these contrast settings look a bit more film like to me, but nothing is set in stone. The contrast settings are inspired by Mike Verta’s samples, which are a bit darker than Neverar’s settings, although not much. Adjustments may be made once I’ve looked at it in motion.

Yea…I got you, Dre. I’d just hate to have you go too dark and lose detail in some of those interior shots. Once you go too dark, you can’t regain the details you may have lost, but I’m certain you already know this.

4k77 - shot by shot color grading (a WIP)

NeverarGreat said:

darthrush said:

That’s gotta be from 2.7 right? I remember his technicolor grade to be a bit warmer.

Compared to the Blu-ray, my version is significantly brighter and warmer, an interpretation of the Tech film as it was captured in the neutral light of the scan. Dre’s version is closer to a 70’s projection.

Very interesting.

I really like your Tech Version, NeverarGreat…especially the Gamma/Brightness/Contrast settings, but the colors are Very nice as well. IMHO, if Dre can match those settings,(GBC) that would be Spot On!