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Terminator 2 Judgment Day (1991). Regraded + Partially DeRemastered + Regrained (Released)

jam666 said:


I was really looking forward to view this one, as the remastered version leaves little to be desired. And it seems like I’m a little to late, as it looks like the torrent has been removed/expired (from kickass)?

Is there any other way to get this release, or if someone maybe could point me in the right direction?

I second this! The screenshots look great. Would love to see this.

EDIT: Whoops, looks like I spoke too soon. I think I found it. jam666, it should still be there! File size and date align with the info in the first post.

TFA: A Gentle Restructure (Released)

Hal 9000 said:

Welcome, Batmatt92, and thanks for the insightful suggestion. I can’t help but agree with you, with the real question being whether removing those shots of the planet surface will leave the sequence an abrupt mess. I’ll test it out and see, but I frankly doubt it’ll be as good as it needs to be, given that we’re editing a fully baked final product rather than doing it this way from the beginning.

Cool, thanks for giving it a shot at least! And I dig the new crawl too 😃

TFA: A Gentle Restructure (Released)

Sougouk said:

^ Your explanation makes me think of ANH, when the Death Star destroys Alderaan. We never see anyone in Alderaan before it’s blown up. Yet, you still feel sad for all the life that was wiped away off the face of existence, in one fell swoop.
Sometimes less is more!

I thought of that too!

Octorox said:

If the Kor Sella scene is reinserted, I do think we should keep the shots on Hosnian Prime, only to give that thread closure.

Yeah, I suppose it would be more acceptable if the deleted scene was reinserted. But still… I dunno. We’d know she was there, we don’t necessarily have to see her for it to make sense. I still think it might feel too weird coming right after Han’s death. But again, maybe that’s just me.

TFA: A Gentle Restructure (Released)

Hello! What a great idea for a fan edit. I quite like TFA as-is, but this really improves the only aspect that I thought was lacking in the finished film - Starkiller Base. I just watched V1 last night and thought it was great. I did have just one suggestion, though. And I think my reasoning for it might be hard to articulate, but I’ll try my best…

So, I think the surface shots of Hosnian Prime as it goes kablooey should be removed. For the hypothetical first-time viewer, the death of HAN FRICKIN’ SOLO is gonna be a pretty big deal, yeah? So as the Starkiller fires, the viewer is still gonna be reeling from that I think. That’s a very personal, human-level tragedy.

Now, I’m totally fine with the Starkiller firing on the Hosnian system right after that. I like the symmetry - Han’s death sort of signaling the turning point where EVERYTHING goes down the crapper. But! It seems to me like those shots on the planet surface were there in the original scene to add a human dimension to the event, like “Look! There’s PEOPLE here! They’re all gonna die! It’s SAD!” And yeah sure, that kinda sorta works in the scene’s original placement. But where it is now, I think the viewer doesn’t have much time to care about a bunch of random folks when they just saw Han Solo die. It’s enough to just see the planets explode from a distance. Han fulfills the human-level tragedy in a way, even though he’s obviously not on any of those planets.

It may sound strange, but he’s much more important to the audience than the billions of faceless, nameless people that die on those planets, ya know? So cutting away to the people on the surface kind of dilutes Han’s death, at least for me. It feels like the movie’s going “Oh yeah, Han Solo died, but also THESE PEOPLE!!!” and it’s too much. Does that make any kind of sense? I’m worried it doesn’t. Anyway, just a thought that I had. I can pretty easily do it for my own version if Hal doesn’t want to.

HALLOWEEN - Fixing the audio and re-creating 1999 color timing (Released)

Matt_Stevens said:
 Didn’t we all, lol! I did it. And i know many others that did it. I guess there are a lot of Halloween fans out there.

There are indeed! A few years late to this particular party, I realize, but I just bought the 35th Anniversary blu and am loathe to watch it without the original mono. If any of these LD-sourced audio files are still around, might someone be willing to PM me about getting my hands on one?

EDIT: Received, thanks!

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

My roommate and I have been hosting weekly movie nights at our house. All our friends come over, there's beer and popcorn aplenty, and it's a great time. Last night we watched Star Wars (which one of our friends HAD NEVER SEEN) and of course we used 2.5.

Everyone loved it, including the first-timer! The cheers when Han shot Greedo without any wonky CGI foolery nearly woke the neighbors. Next week is Empire.

Thank you so much for your hard work, Harmy. It is very much appreciated.

Disney Acquires LucasFilm for $4.05 billion, Episode 7 in 2015, 8 and 9 to Follow, New Film Every 2-3 Years

Hey all, I never post here but I'm a big-time lurker.

Anyway, something I thought you all would find interesting- I'm a college student studying film and today my screenwriting professor (who works in the industry) told us he got a meeting with Disney to pitch for Episode VII. He said there were only a few parameters given, including:

Luke Skywalker must be included, but not necessarily anyone else from the existing films, and he must be age-appropriate for Hamill, who is 100% for sure in the movie.

Skywalker must have a new "Jedi Academy" that he has founded and oversees.

Disney/Lucasfilm are looking for a "dark" story. My professor said they're seeking out writers who have experience along those lines. They don't seem to care about experience with big movies, they just want writers who can do good characters with a serious tone.

Other than that, it sounds like the potential writers have free reign to come up with whatever they want. Apparently Skywalker doesn't even have to be the main focus, as my professor's idea centers on a new protagonist and Skywalker appears more as a supporting character.

His meeting is sometime within the next week or two I think. If he doesn't get the gig I can tell you what his idea was. :D


Darth Hade said:


Bad news.

I set Batmatt92 up with working Rapidshare links to the Purist version.

The problem is that they got taken down some time this past weekend. It wasn't my upload.

I don't even know if he finished getting all of it in time.

This also affected me. I was downloading a big file, 70+ parts. I got over 50 of the rars only to have the files taken down this weekend.

Looks like Rapidshare may be cleaning house like all the others.


Adywan's right - I didn't run into any problems, and I was downloading well into Monday. So they should still be there.


What Plans? said:

It would be hilarious if he was all sweet and cute around Qui-Gon, but then turned to mini-Vader around Padme.  :P

I like this. Even if the Vader voice slips out just once or twice it would be pretty funny. 

At one point in the movie, Obi-Wan says to Qui-Gon: "The boy is dangerous. They all sense it, why can't you?" Then right after he says that, maybe you could flash back to the one or two times in the movie where the Vader voice came out of Anakin.


Hey all - I'm new here, joined because I was interested in Adywan's stuff but never really had anything to add to those conversations.

TV's Frink, I see your posts often and very much appreciate your sense of humor. If there's one thing I've noticed here it's that some people are too serious for their own good. Or just stupid. Or both. 

Anyway, I just had to finally post something because that Duel of the Fates clip literally had me in tears from laughing so hard. Keep it up! :)