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<strong>The Acolyte</strong> (live action series set in The High Republic era) - a general discussion thread

Vladius said:

adywan said:

After being pretty “meh” after seeing the trailers, i was surprised at how much i liked the first 2 episodes. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but to me it actually feels like Star Wars, unlike BOBF, Ahsoka and the latter part of Mando. The acting & dialogue is fine, which the trailers somehow made it seem prequel level bad, but it isn’t. And thank GOD we finally have colour back in Star Wars and not that horrendous desaturated & over dark grading that’s plagued the majority of the TV shows so far. The only thing that feels a bit off to me is the ending of both episodes. They don’t seem like an episode ending. It’s seeming to be aimed at editing into one long movie that has been chopped up into episodes more than an episodic formula.

Sadly, the dark side of the fandom is ripping it apart. The usual " Woke" bullshit comments are everywhere. Slating the show because of its female lead, the fact they mentioned " two mothers" and other crap. If it’s not white male lead they don’t class it as Star Wars. Wankers. I’m so fed up hearing how Star Wars is dead, just because it doesn’t follow their narrow minded bullshit. No one is allowed to just enjoy it any more without all their vitriol. I’ve seen so many commenting on how they refuse to watch it but will review bomb it wherever possible. Then attacking fans who dare to say they like anything “Disney” Star Wars.

This show has started out pretty well. It has my interest. I LOVE the score and i think that’s one of the reasons why it feels more like Star Wars to me. It feels very Willams to me. Although i don’t mind the different style scores in things like the Mandalorian, it seems to take away something for me. The Acolyte is probably the first TV show that i rewatched the first eps in the same day.

It doesn’t help that the creators and actors go out of their way to publicly say that they’re trying to make people mad on purpose

Please point me to where they have said that they are trying to make people mad on purpose, because i haven’t seen anything like that.

But from the day the cast & Director were announced its been vitriol on the internet because they’re not all white straight males. It’s been constant. And that was even before a single image came out of the production. Now the big thing they are complaining about it fire in space and the fact that there is a campfire cracking sound for the fire. Well, for one, fire in space is nothing new with Star Wars. This isn’t sci-fi and its never really followed real world physics. It’s fantasy. And the complaint about the sound effects of a “campfire” shows that they’re just too dumb to even follow what’s going on in that scene or haven’t actually even seen the scene but just the screenshots people have posted. The sound is because she is remembering the fire that killed her family. It’s in her head. It couldn’t be more obvious. But its just something they have latched onto to claim how bad this show is. But, even when you explain this to them its just a tirade of vicious attacks back with claims of being a “Disney shill” and other pathetic crap. Fuck that side of the fandom.


Thanks you everyone for your well Wishes, and i’m so sorry for your loss Ronster. I was rushed into hospital again on Sunday but i’m back home now and thankfully it wasn’t anything too major, although it does look like i will need another operation to insert another stent if the artery that caused Sundays emergency gets any worse. So i need to take it very slow now during the long recovery. But, thanks to the amazing work the NHS have done for me, for the most part i feel better than i have for over a decade. Looks like i’ve been having mini heart attacks for years now and this was the one that finally knocked me down.

<strong>The Acolyte</strong> (live action series set in The High Republic era) - a general discussion thread

After being pretty “meh” after seeing the trailers, i was surprised at how much i liked the first 2 episodes. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but to me it actually feels like Star Wars, unlike BOBF, Ahsoka and the latter part of Mando. The acting & dialogue is fine, which the trailers somehow made it seem prequel level bad, but it isn’t. And thank GOD we finally have colour back in Star Wars and not that horrendous desaturated & over dark grading that’s plagued the majority of the TV shows so far. The only thing that feels a bit off to me is the ending of both episodes. They don’t seem like an episode ending. It’s seeming to be aimed at editing into one long movie that has been chopped up into episodes more than an episodic formula.

Sadly, the dark side of the fandom is ripping it apart. The usual " Woke" bullshit comments are everywhere. Slating the show because of its female lead, the fact they mentioned " two mothers" and other crap. If it’s not white male lead they don’t class it as Star Wars. Wankers. I’m so fed up hearing how Star Wars is dead, just because it doesn’t follow their narrow minded bullshit. No one is allowed to just enjoy it any more without all their vitriol. I’ve seen so many commenting on how they refuse to watch it but will review bomb it wherever possible. Then attacking fans who dare to say they like anything “Disney” Star Wars.

This show has started out pretty well. It has my interest. I LOVE the score and i think that’s one of the reasons why it feels more like Star Wars to me. It feels very Willams to me. Although i don’t mind the different style scores in things like the Mandalorian, it seems to take away something for me. The Acolyte is probably the first TV show that i rewatched the first eps in the same day.


That guy with no name said:

new shot:
full vid: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PqHH0weoX-7qGOtGuXrXeTZn_onxdSMo/view?usp=sharing

That looks amazing.

Phase3 said:

The explosion looks “fuller” if that makes sense – it’s a much better explosion than the original. One tiny thing that stood out though (which may be so small as to be deemed entirely irrelevant):
The two other TIE’s are moving forward towards the screen, yet the explosion seems to be locked into place; wouldn’t the explosion be steadily moving away from the camera?

There was someone on youtube a while back that made a CG version of this scene with the explosion moving away and it doesn’t work. The thing with an explosion that moves away is that it gives the impression that its getting smaller and it lessens the visual impact. Thankfully Star Wars really doesn’t stick to real world physics when it comes to FX and goes for a more visual impact than real world.


Ronster said:

That guy with no name said:

oops. Accidentally posted the top comparison without the falcon glow layer turned on.
here is the updated comparison:
(still working on the 3d model neverar, I haven’t forgotten that.)

(wipe removed for comp only)


DevEd v.2

Full shot: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ARgf0HUgH8pAiEEkicaik6_xcYBVik5I/view?usp=sharing

I think you nailed the trajectory on that shot to be honest. You have made the best of what is there. I think it is very charming to keep the original model fix the position and nice engine glow.

However the Planet still looks very green I distinctly remember to get it looking the right shade of Blue as when they arrive earlier it needed hue shifting quite a lot via selective correction. Obviously all the way through from green cyan to blue. Don’t be scared to be quite brutal there it is probably blue screen degredation or something. But looks very good when shifted into blue you must try it and you will see and feel when it looks like correct. Otherwise really great job on that shot 😃 Thanks

Yavin IV is green NOT blue. Since 2004 the colouring of Yavin IV was screwed and it became blue during the SE additions. But pre 2004 it was green in every other shot apart from this one, which shifted towards blue. The original closeup matte painting used when the falcon approaches showed a green planet with blue oceans. Sadly Rogue One went for the “blue planet” look also, but it was originally more green, especially being a more forest planet and it helps differentiate between Alderaan.


Joshua_Blue said:

adywan said:

That guy with no name said:

adywan said:

The third and final video for this week, as promised.


This one, having the original 2020 grading played alongside the new grading may through out the perception of the new colour grade in places, especially with skintones. The 2020 shifts from having an almost fully desaturated image with a heavy blue filter (why the hell is endor suddenly blue?) for the space shots shifting to a more green shifted grade with yellow/ orange skin tones. Subtle colour tones on the Death Star equator mattes have been lost in this new grade, similar to what happened with the 2004 grade. So after watching it in comparison mode, watch it again while covering the top image and you’ll get a better idea of the grade.

And for anyone wondering why the TIE’s are blue in this , well they were blue in this scene and others in 1983 right up until the horrendous 2004 grade ( yes, they were blue in the '97 SE release too) where they became more desaturated and a heavy blue tint added to the picture, and the 2020 grade seems to have gone down that route too but this time eliminated all of the blue colouring, except for the matte shot where they part from the shuttle.

There are about 3 fixes in this video this time around. See if you can spot them all

great! they look beautiful.

the two changes I saw were:
Jabba’s palace door
camera movement retimed before the wipe to tatooine
and maybe you fixed out-of-focus Vader?

Ah, there are 4 fixes then 😉

Also Star Destroyer hangar bay lights

Yes, someone finally got it 😃


Short video (link at the bottom) showing the sources that i used to recreate the original 1977 version of the scene in the image below, followed by the new HD recreation. The Special Edition droid never looked good IMHO and it’s something i always wanted to remove but didn’t have the skills to do it back when i created the SD version of ANH:R.

This one took a LOT of work and just over 3 weeks to complete. I had to combine the best elements of each source , with each one having its own problems. The 4K77 print scan had a lot of print damage that needed cleaning up by hand just so i could use small sections. The 2011 Blu-Ray had more details in parts than the new 2020 blu-ray edition but suffered with blurry faces of the characters in the background. While the 2020 blu-ray lost a lot of detailing in the brighter areas. So, to get this done, it was weeks of cleaning, stabilising, tracking, rotoscoping, grading and manually lining up and matching each source to overlay on top of each other to get the bets possible details out of the sources.


Youtube’s crappy compression really screws with the videos now. So here is a snapshot so you can see it in full quality (the grain hasn’t been added yet)

And, for those that want to see it in higher quality than on youtube, you can download the sample here:



Jedi122 said:

It’s very subtle, but it seems that the reason you retimed when Commander Jerjerrod started walking away was because during the wipe, some of the frames were cut as the wipe started to cover him. Very nice catch!

Actually they duplicated frames originally to slow everything down so they had enough frames to cover the wipe. Originally there was no wipe and it cut straight to vader walking through the corridor.


That guy with no name said:

adywan said:

The third and final video for this week, as promised.


This one, having the original 2020 grading played alongside the new grading may through out the perception of the new colour grade in places, especially with skintones. The 2020 shifts from having an almost fully desaturated image with a heavy blue filter (why the hell is endor suddenly blue?) for the space shots shifting to a more green shifted grade with yellow/ orange skin tones. Subtle colour tones on the Death Star equator mattes have been lost in this new grade, similar to what happened with the 2004 grade. So after watching it in comparison mode, watch it again while covering the top image and you’ll get a better idea of the grade.

And for anyone wondering why the TIE’s are blue in this , well they were blue in this scene and others in 1983 right up until the horrendous 2004 grade ( yes, they were blue in the '97 SE release too) where they became more desaturated and a heavy blue tint added to the picture, and the 2020 grade seems to have gone down that route too but this time eliminated all of the blue colouring, except for the matte shot where they part from the shuttle.

There are about 3 fixes in this video this time around. See if you can spot them all

great! they look beautiful.

the two changes I saw were:
Jabba’s palace door
camera movement retimed before the wipe to tatooine
and maybe you fixed out-of-focus Vader?

Ah, there are 4 fixes then 😉


The third and final video for this week, as promised.


This one, having the original 2020 grading played alongside the new grading may through out the perception of the new colour grade in places, especially with skintones. The 2020 shifts from having an almost fully desaturated image with a heavy blue filter (why the hell is endor suddenly blue?) for the space shots shifting to a more green shifted grade with yellow/ orange skin tones in the Hangar. Vaders belt lights are now suddenly blue in many shots in the 2020 edition too. Subtle colour tones on the Death Star equator mattes have been lost in this new grade, similar to what happened with the 2004 grade. So after watching it in comparison mode, watch it again while covering the top image and you’ll get a better idea of the grade.

And for anyone wondering why the TIE’s are blue in this , well they were blue in this scene and others in 1983 right up until the horrendous 2004 grade ( yes, they were blue in the '97 SE release too) where they became more desaturated and a heavy blue tint added to the picture, and the 2020 grade seems to have gone down that route too but this time eliminated all of the blue colouring, except for the matte shot where they part from the shuttle.

There are about 3 fixes in this video this time around. See if you can spot them all


Telion said:

As always amazing to see you work come together. Its hard to see the issues in stills by boy when its in motion that static grain hurts. As far as colours though, its nice to see the saturation back, with a beautiful blue sky again. However, I feel like the skin tones are suffering from over yellowing. I know your basing you colours on 4k83 (at least in part) who used original cinema reals to restore from, but I’ve always thought they never accounted for UV exposure in there clean up.
Those reals sat through who know what in the intervining years and weren’t exactly Lucasfilm Archives pristine when they picked them up. Fact is all the skin tones look too yellow, especially when you compare them to the other films, at least on youtube (which Ik doesnt always preserve information the best.
I’m no going to pretend I know anything about colourgrading film, but it doesn’t look right to me, if its not fixable or you don’t agree, thats that.
Anyhow, great to see some ROTJ stuff again, I still think you diserve a chewie medal.

Having the original video play alongside the new grading can really throw the look of the new grade out. I can assure you the skin tones are not yellow shifted. I noticed a trend a while back to add too much green into grading and give skin tones especially that orange, yellow look. The 2020 ROTJ blu-ray really suffers with yellow skin tones in places. Nowadays it seems to be the trend to make the films look dull and desaturated. I hate these looks so i’m not going down that route.

As i have said before, this is just the first stage of the grading. There will be oversaturated parts which then need to be fixed when i get to the shot for shot stage of the grade, but its a necessity to try and recover the lost colour tones.

Jar Jar Bricks said:

Adywan, or anybody making an edit of ROTJ, is free to use these:


If for whatever reason these two particular takes of the line aren’t up to snuff I’ll add more.

Thanks for sharing this. I have just tried it in the sound mix and unfortunately it doesn’t blend in with Vaders vocals in ROTJ. I’m not sure yet if i’m even going to bother altering the “obi-wan once thought…” line. After attempting to re-watch the prequels again recently, i can honestly say that i won’t ever be watching those things again, so altering things in order to fix things that those films created in the first place is not going to be my priority.

Jedi122 said:

Adywan, are you still going to use the News Gothic Bold font used for the titles for The Force Awakens and The Rise of Skywalker for “Return of the Jedi”? Because it seems that Rian Johnson chose the Univers font for The Last Jedi for the same reason it might have been chosen for Return of the Jedi. To make the capital J in “Jedi” more pronounced.

I’m not sure why you would think it bother me what font Rian chose for Last Jedi? I’m only interested in making this trilogies crawls match up. If i wanted Revisited crawls to match the other films in the saga, with the fonts used, then i would need to create several different ones, or redo the other 6 films. A total waste of time. The Revisited saga is 3 films. Their crawls will match. That’s all that i’m concerned about


Your next look at the grading for ROTJ:R. This scene needed a little more work that the rest because , for some strange reason, the grader over-brightened the image in places to to the point where it almost bleached out parts the picture. But , again, This is just the first stage of grading. I won’t be doing the shot for shot grade to fix any problems until this first pass is completed.



ROTJ:R is back in production.

After over a year i have finally finished restoring the 2020 blu-ray, removing as much of the static grain possible without impacting the detail in the picture. There is some minimal static grain in a few places, but for the most part that problem is gone. I have also replaced a few shots throughout with better quality ones taken from the 2011 blu-ray. These shots were so scrubbed of grain thanks to their algorithm that is removed so much detail in the image and made them really soft. But, thanks to a bit of tinkering with grading an image processing, you won’t really be able to tell that 2 different sources have been used.

It wasn’t an easy task, which is why it took so long and so much work. You can’t just apply digital noise reduction to the image to remove the static grain, or just place a layer of grain on top to try to hide it. Using an all over DNR that would be enough to eliminate the static grain would just destroy the detail in the image and give everything a waxy look or worse. So you have to go shot for shot, creating many layers with different levels of DNR or a level with none at all. Then you have to rotoscope every level in a shot so that foreground objects that don’t require a great amount of grain reduction, or any at all, would not be affected. But faces that have bad static grain then need a different technique. Reducing the grain that is visible on the skin while keeping the original level of detail in the facial features. So you have to rotoscope eyes, eyebrows, nose & mouth to keep those elements intact. Its backgrounds that suffer the most in the 2020 blu-ray and that was a bit of a godsend with the depth of field used in this film. so the backgrounds are out of focus and the only real detail that you perceive was caused by the static grain. this is not the case with all shots though, so that’s what took so much work and took so long. Once this was completed and a layer of minimal grain was added, the static grain problem was no more for the most part.

Here’s a sample you can download that shows a before and after comparison that will give a better example of what i mean by all of this:


there are still one or two shots that i’m not 100% happy with, but i can tweak those as i go along. But at least i now have a suitable version to begin this edit.

And thats what i have done this week. I have completed about 5 fixes so far, but at the moment i’m concentrating on the colour grading.

I can’t understand why people rave about the 2020 blu-ray so much. It’s a mess. Not just the static grain and over softened shots, but the grading. Jedi never looked like this. It was vibrant and colourful. Not this flat, almost sepia, desaturated version we got with this release. Its like they heard the complaints with the 2011 releases, about the oversaturated image with the overuse of a blue filter throughout and though " we better do something about this" but when in the completely opposite direction and muted all the blue tones and desaturated the image far beyond what they should have done. It’s horrible. All the high levels have been muted. There’s no definition in the image at all. The bright levels in objects look flat, especially noticeable in skies with clouds. Mids have been raised to brighten the image but have gone overboard in places. Take the scene when the emperor arrives on the Death Star. They have raised the levels in many of the shots in that scene it’s almost blown out the image. What was the grader who worked on this release thinking? . I’ll be posting a comparison video of this scene next week sometime and you can see just how bad it is. But, for now, here’s a sample image comparing the 2020 official grade with the Revisited one…

So the colour grading stage has begun. I’m using the 4k83 & 97SE versions as a rough guide to the grading. Over the next week or so i will be posting 3 comparison videos showing the new grade, so watch out for those. But here’s a little teaser of the first video i will be posting over the weekend…


Jedi122 said:

This is also a tiny thing, but in that 2023 comparison reel on YouTube, it seems like you used the 2011 Blu-Ray for the shot of the tractor beam’s power meter. The Aurebesh writing was positioned a little differently for the 2020 Blu-Ray, though, and it’s a little more spread out. Why not use that version?



Well i’m using the 2011 Blu-rays for the most part anyway. But the 2020 recreation is worse than the 2011. The text on the clear display that they added doesn’t even match the white levels of the original parts, whereas the 2011 matched perfectly. and the rest of the text on the 2020 version is blurry as hell


One thing that has always bothered me, which i have never seen anyone mention before, is this shot during Red Leaders trench run. The first X-wing to be destroyed by the TIES. Problem is, the lasers aren’t coming from the TIEs, but from the turbo lasers down the trench. But the trench lasers stopped firing as soon as the Ties were about to enter the trench. So it looks like, with the effects being in their final stage, that originally one of the x-wing was to destroyed during the beginning of the run by the turret lasers before the TIEs appeared and it was changed late in the edit. So i removed the lasers from this shot.


.Mac. said:

I noticed something and just curious if was intended or not:

The green and blue flashy lights on the left-hand side of Red Leader’s dash, at 51sec and 1min2sec, appear normal for the edit. But then, at 1min15sec and 1min22sec, those same lights are suddenly devoid of color. The red and yellow lights appear untouched, though. Anyone else see this too? If intentional, I must be missing the reason why 😄

My mistake. It was an error from the grading stage. I had a mask that should have been disabled in those shots that was accidently active, which removed the colour. I’ve fixed the shots now

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

haru KI do said:

adywan said:

If anyone has created a foreign language dub of ESB:R and would like it to be included on the Blu-Ray version, can you please message me. Thanks

PMs sent.

ESB Revisited: Japanese Dub

Thank you 😃