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Donner Cut Vs Lester Cut?

The Aluminum Falcon said:

Honestly, the best version I’ve seen is Booshman’s. It thoroughly mixes the two cuts to create a satisfying hybrid. Clearly, Booshman knows the movie very well, in order to choose exactly t The only drawbacks are a few overt digital effects, which, though well-intentioned, do stand out. Additionally, video quality, while nice for the time, is left somewhat weak looking because it was culled from the SD version of the weak Donner Cut master and the aged theatrical cut DVD.

Luckily, Booshman is working on a new HD Version that I have no doubt will be absolutely remarkable. His new special effects integrate more seamlessly than his old ones. It will be a great day when that version of Superman II is finally released.

Does anyone know if the Booshman cut in HD is still in the works?

Amadeus - Theatrical Cut Restoration 1080p (V3 Now Available)

dr.zapp said:

I downloaded the (huge!) MKV, thanks to zxthehedgehog and Handman. Being a video editor with some compression tools, I compressed it from 22 GB down to 6, with minimal visual loss. I can upload this somewhere if anyone is interested in a more compact version.

Hey I’d be interested in the 6gb version please. Could you upload it please?

How to pitch shift an AC3 file without affecting length/tempo?

This is a bit of strange situation due to a DVD mastering fault.

I have a TV series where the DVD is PAL but I think the audio has been pitch corrected except for one episode. This one episode everyone sounds like chipmunks. I think it’s actually sped up not by usual PAL speed up of 4%, but 8%!

I know this by performing a quick test in VLC by playing back first at 0.96 speed but it still sounded high. 0.94 would be about right.

Anyway, I don’t want to simply convert from 25fps to 23.976, I want keep the video as it is but pitch shift the audio down by 8%. How would I achieve this without re-compressing the AC3?

Info & Request: Muppet Christmas Carol - Widescreen w/ deleted song and Dir. commentary!

I didn’t actually watch that bit before. Just skipped straight to the Love is Gone sequence.

I see what you did there now, but I think the fade effect is a bit too fast and snappy compared to the original. Your version has more of an “ease-in-out” effect (slow fade at the beginning and then fast fade to white), while the original is more gradual. But overall its not too bad 😃

Info & Request: Muppet Christmas Carol - Widescreen w/ deleted song and Dir. commentary!

Deviantnick said:

Fixed everything mentioned above also made the cutting in and out of the scene a bit more smoother so its not so much in your face , next thing now is to try clean the scene up abit


Good to hear from you Nick! And the clip is shaping up really well.

Lets hope this is the year where this long awaited edit comes to fruition 😃