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Since when did ROTJ become less highly regarded than even Episodes II or III?

To me it did seem like a bit of a stretch that the Emperor's plan would have been close to working, I couldn't say that it was because he was telling Luke the plan or what.  For what it's worth, Luke looking at his mechanical hand then Vader's stump was a cool bit that helped sell the whole scene and I don't have a huge problem with how they played Luke's struggle.  But yeah it could have been better for sure.  At least it was way more convincing than Ep III.

But it does make it seem like the plan wasn't really perfectly orchestrated when the thing that almost brought Luke over was anger over the potential of them turning Leia.  Which neither Vader nor the Emperor knew anything about her being his sister until just then.

I probably like RotJ equally as much as Star Wars and ESB, and nostalgia does play a bit in that.  Like someone earlier said, there are lots of "goosebump" moments for me, probably more than the other 2.  Funeral pyre, Vader saving Luke, the Falcon coming out of the central Death Star core with the explosion in the background, the fleet going to light speed, Luke taking down the speeder with a lightsaber.  Those stand out to me more than the poor effects stick out.

Still, I do wish the tone overall was a bit darker and less campy.  More scenes of rebel commandos getting it done and a bit less ewoks.  And there could have been more of a sense of desperation in the end battles if some rebels died who got to say more than one line.  Like the space battle was an awesome spectacle but it felt like you're along for the ride, but not on the edge of your seat.  Even though hundreds or thousands of rebels died you didn't really feel for them.  Compared to the trench run in Star Wars, you got to know the pilots a little bit and it felt more and more hopeless when each one died.  Maybe they should have made it Wedge who was hit and crashed into the super star destroyer.  That would have had an impact.

What Do You Remember From Your First Viewing Of The OT?

First of all, my memory generally stinks, but here's what I got.

I was 3 when Star Wars came out, so I don't remember it at all.  My dad said my little brother started crying so we had to leave early.

The Hoth sequence probably stuck with me more than anything else from ESB.  I don't recall a huge reaction from "I am your father".  An odd thing I remember from ESB was collecting the Burger King stickers to put together on a big foldout sheet of different scenes.  Probably still have it somewhere.  Oh also the Burger King glasses.

I loved the heck out of RotJ when it came out, especially the 3 simultaneous battles at the end.  First saw it at the theater near NC State I believe.  It was also the first movie I saw 3 times in the theater, only other ones with that distinction are Last Crusade and Fellowship of the Ring.

A new low in Star Wars games

I have to admit I played Dance Central 2 over Christmas with my nephew.  We all got into it, and it was fun.  And it really gives you a workout!  I have no problem with dance games.

And I like some silly stuff, parodies, etc.  Heck my avatar is Chewie throwing a baseball.  But Han dancing and Lobot going crazy just had me shaking my head.  Like they were aiming for funny but really missed.

Any favorite Star Wars scenes?

My favorite emotional scene is Vader's funeral pyre.

My favorite eye candy scenes are:

Wedge blasting the TIE fighter head on and saving Luke's bacon

The Rebel fleet going to lightspeed in Jedi

Luke taking out the speeder bike with his light saber

Shortly after the Falcon hits the Death Star's power reactor, you see the reactor explosion off in the distance, and the entrance to the tunnel immediately fills the foreground as the camera keeps moving back.  Goosebumps I tell ya.

Lucas' Red Tails

I just saw a video of his Daily Show segment


He complained some about how the studios were against him, marketing problems, etc.  Almost sounds like he is already getting defensive in case the movie isn't a success.

The short video clip at the beginning seemed slightly less "video gamey" than the trailer sequences at least, but overall I'm still not optimistic.  And I'm currently getting my WWII fix playing Company of Heroes, so unless somehow this gets great review I'll probably wait for it to come to video.

There is one unfavorable review on rottentomatoes from somebody who says he went to an advance screening, for what it's worth.


CP3S said:

EFU said:

I'd try to get that post moved over here but I guess we're unmodded.

What gave you that impression?


I saw off topic is unmoderated, but I guess nothing stopping them from moving something from the memorabilia section to here.  Too many brain lapses for me.  At any rate I just moved it over myself and now I'll get the other one deleted.


Aaah, I KNEW I missed a lego thread somewhere before posting one of my own like a knucklehead.

I'd try to get that post moved over here but I guess we're unmodded.  -just a quick cut'n'paste instead:

I have 3 of the ultimate collector sets:


the Imperial Star Destroyerthe AT-ST, and the Millenium Falcon.  I really like em all.  If I found out about these earlier maybe I'd have gotten the X-Wing and Blockade Runner.  I have a regular series X-Wing that suffices though.  Also a regular series Y-Wing and TIE Advanced.  If money wasn't tight I'd probably buy the Imperial Shuttle.  Anyhow, I just saw they came out with the Super Star Destroyer in the past couple of months but I think I'd pass even if I had the spare $.  


Sad to see the packaging has a fricken Clone trooper on it.


Discussion: Anyone collect <strong>Star Wars LEGO</strong> sets?

I would have thought there would be a Lego set thread but either there isn’t one or search has failed me (for the last time, admiral)

I have 3 of the ultimate collector sets:


the Imperial Star Destroyer and the Millenium Falcon.  I really like em all.  If I found out about these earlier maybe I’d have gotten the X-Wing and Blockade Runner.  I have a regular series X-Wing that suffices though.  Also a regular series Y-Wing and TIE Advanced.  If money wasn’t tight I’d probably buy the Imperial Shuttle.  Anyhow, I just saw they came out with the Super Star Destroyer in the past couple of months but I think I’d pass even if I had the spare $.


Sad to see the packaging has a fricken Clone trooper on it.

Anyone else collect these?

What's your Personal Canon?

Pretty much just the original unaltered trilogy for me.

I really enjoyed the X-Wing and Tie Fighter games on the PC, but they started adding way too many different types of ships.  Made it interesting from a game standpoint, and I thought having all those new ships was a good inclusion, but it pushed the envelope too much for me as far as being canon.

I read the 3 Zahn Thrawn books, but I didn't care for some of the first one.  It got old having Thrawn always knowing exactly what was going on, never wrong, blah blah blah.  Didn't make him threatening to me so much as just uninteresting.  So I liked it when he wasn't so infallible later on, he was a more believable character then.  Still, I've never really had the desire to reread those.  I'll reread the Robotech series if I get in the mood for sci-fi books again.

I love the Genndy Clone Wars cartoons, but as they're tied into the PT framework that rules them out as canon for me.

Best SW score

If I absolutely had to pick one, probably Imperial March.  I'm partial to marches.  I agree with the above that the whole piece is awesome and a bit of a shame that more of it isn't incorporated into the movies.

Other favorites are the Force theme, the Asteroid Field, and the Return of the Jedi.  Into the Trap mentioned earlier is a great one too, I think it might be the most "narrative" of the scores, practically telling you what's going on as it unfolds.

Twelve Reasons &quot;Star Wars&quot; (aka ANH) Suckz

Master Sifo-Dyas said:

Yeah, and don't even get me started about Vader not reacting at all when he looses control of his Tie Fighter. Some sort of outcry or expressing his denial and anger would've made this scene so much more believable! But they had to keep him calm and in control, as if that's what the dark side was about. *sigh*

Yeah, how do we he was still in control?  It's not explicitly stated!  Honestly I didn't know what he might be thinking at that point.  Maybe "Yipee!" or "let's try spinning, that's a good trick!" or "Nooooo".  A few words wouldn't hurt to avoid confusion.

Are The Star Wars Movies Your Favourite Movies?

Star Wars had the most impact on me for sure, and I never tire of it.  It's also one of the few that I'd enjoy almost as much just listening to the audio, since the scenes are so ingrained in my head and I can practically quote the whole thing.  I can just put it on while I work on some errands.

But I'd have a really hard time limiting my favorite movies to 10.  My faves in no particular order:

OT, LotR trilogy, T2, Raiders, Last Crusade, Matrix, Inception, Aliens, Tombstone

If the list is expanded to include miniseries, then Band of Brothers is at the top, hands down.

OT Deleted Scenes Discussion

They sorely needed more scenes of rebel troops fighting, probably less of ewoks fighting.  But the things that stick out to me in that bunker scene is it's kinda silly for Han to run up and then just stand there in the open for a bit before the shooting starts.  And then having one rebel soldier cross over in front of Han, and Chewbacca crossing over behind.  Just doesn't seem how a swat team or whatever would use cover, but has that hokey Hollywood kinda feel to the squad tactics.  I know it's not Black Hawk Down or Band of Brothers, but still.

OT Deleted Scenes Discussion

Wow, I really liked that Jerjerrod scene, probably my favorite deleted scene so far.  We didn't see much of him before, but he's got some depth to him! And cajones I might add.  I won't argue that it wouldn't have cluttered up  the main action (already have a space battle, forest battle, Luke/Vader battle) and would maybe have been too much of a "rhyme" with ANH, but on its own I thought that scene rocked.

The sandstorm scene looked interesting, but I love how the theatrical cut is paced alongside the "The Return of the Jedi" John Williams piece following the barge explosion, skiff escape, and Falcon and X-Wing veering off.  So it might be hard to keep that perfect (in my mind) action/music hand in hand if they inserted that scene.