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Original Trilogy 6.5k or 8k scans

I think CatBus has covered all of the details on this, so I’m not going to repeat what he has said.

Yes, a 70mm blow-up will probably be of better quality than a 35mm release print, but given that 4K is already probably overkill in most cases for the quality of materials available outside the OCN, any difference will probably be very hard to see, even with an 8K TV. Don’t forget it is an optical enlargement, so while it may improve grain and detail, it is still a generation away from the source.

CatBus’ example showing 4K83 against Harmy’s Despecialised which uses the official 4K which was scanned from the OCN, shows the quality different that even the best prints (In this case a very high quality ‘Show Print’) is up against. I am by no means an expert on these things, but the difference between a 35mm Show Print and a 70mm Blow Up will still br minimal at best.

Most Hollywood films today are still only scanned at either 4K or perhaps 6.5K for super-sampling down to a 4K Master.

2001 was shot on 70mm, as was ‘My Fair Lady’ which also got an 8K restoration. It makes sense to scan native 70mm OCN at 8+K because the frame is larger (Scanning gives you a dpi resolution, so like 3D printing, to maintain a high dpi, if your input frame is larger, so must your scanning resolution). It also gives you the option to Super-sample the image down after acquisition.

The quality difference between a 4K scan of a 35mm print or 70mm blow-up vs an 8K scan of the same print will be marginal at best, and probably ‘invisible’ to the human eye by the time it’s compressed for home viewing.

An 8K DPX 16-bit File clocks in at 4.756GB/s or 16.69TB/hr so you’re looking at in the region of 33.37TB for Star Wars alone. Once you’ve done your restoration work, which will entail at least a second copy of this data (source and destination) you could generate an Apple ProRes 4444 XQ 12 bit which is only 810MB/s or 2.78TB/hr.

In comparison to 4K DPX 16bit where your data rate is only 1.19GB/s or 4.17TB/hr and the resulting ProRes is 202.50MB/s or 711.91GB/hr, I honestly don’t think the quality difference would justify the 4x increase in data required.

And what bitrate are you going to play back this footage on your 8K TV at? Encoding is inherently a lossy process if you are looking to reduce file size by a meaningful amount, and the only way to compress something like that would be to lose the ‘extra’ detail you’ve potentially captured in the first place.

Most films in the last 30-odd years have been finished as a 2K DI, and are therefore upscaled to 4K for UHD Blu-ray etc. Most studios only started seriously doing 4K DIs in the last decade, and less for Visual Effects heavy films. Marvel films in particular are 2K DIs until fairly recently, in fact ‘The Marvels’ was still a 2K DI according to IMDB.

Outside a few edge cases and Live Sport, 8K will remain something that content owners upscale to, or leave to the device to handle like CatBus suggests. Far easier and cheaper to improve the upscale quality in the final device than bloat the entire workflow for a minute portion of the market (“According to Omdia, shipments of 8K TVs only accounted for 0.15% of all TV shipments in 2021. This translated to a little more than 350,000 units globally.”)

Out of interest what ‘native’ 8K content will you be testing on your new screen?

Original Trilogy 6.5k or 8k scans

Exactly. Print duplication (at least from the time of the OT) is analogue, so there is a generation loss each time a copy is made. Plus duplication is destructive to the source element, so a duplication is nearly always done 3+ versions away from the OCN if not more.

OCN > IP > IN > Release Print

Also less care is taken duplicating the release prints so they often have additional ‘weave’ not present in the earlier generations. It’s like photocopying a photocopy, rather than another print from the master file.

Original Trilogy 6.5k or 8k scans

jtulli said:

CatBus said:

Perhaps a bit controversial, but we’re at the point of seriously diminishing returns already. Typical modern 35mm negatives are frequently thought to produce usable detail for up to 6K scans, but that’s not because they have 6K of fine detail – a la Nyquist, a 6K scan is needed to accurately capture about 3K of fine detail. So a 6K scan of a pristine, high-quality 35mm negative could produce something that’s visibly better than 1080p, but doesn’t quite push the limits of 4K. But the OT negatives are neither pristine nor particularly high quality – and most importantly, we don’t have access to any of them. Instead, what we have is projection prints, considerably worse quality than negatives, the best of which struggle to have 1080p of fine image detail, and in many ways fail to match a 720p downscale of a higher-quality source, in terms of fine image detail – the grain definitely does resolve better at 4K, but so much has been wiped away by optical duplication that you’re not getting any usable image detail along with it. So IMO 4K scans are more than adequate for what we currently have access to. An upscale from 4K to 8K wouldn’t have any less fine image detail than an 8K scan, of these sources. Should we stumble across actual well-preserved OCNs some day, I’d be happy to revisit this opinion.

So you think it would only be worth it if we found an extremely high-quality print or even a 70mm blowup.

It’s only worth it if ‘we’ found the original camera negative. 4k is almost overkill for release prints.

Scanning any sort of print at such a high resolution would probably be a massive waste of time and money, for very little to no visual gain.

<strong>4K77</strong> - Released

Vornskar said:

I’m a bit of a newbie to all this, can someone help explain (or direct me to a newbie-friendly explanation) on how to find and download this trilogy?

Specifically I’m looking to author and burn in 1080p to a bluray for my own personal media use (I’m still old-school and do everything off of physical media becaue REASONS).


The answer is literally a couple of posts above yours. Everything you need is written in the first post of this topic.

D+80 - Empire Strikes Back - 4K Theatrical Reconstruction (Released)

ahughes03 said:

Looks like the webhost (HostGator) issued a temporary ban due to overuse of shared resources: https://www.blogtechtips.com/2016/02/05/hostgator-temporary-block-has-been-placed-on-database-access-fix/

Site Owner needs to contact the host to get things resolved.

It looks like probably the attention from the recent HelloGreedo post has cause the traffic to spike outside the TOS.

Info: Star Wars - What is wrong and what is right... Goodbye Magenta

I’m going to regret posting in here, but here goes.

No one is saying Callibration fixes the problems you are seeing with content. What everyone is saying is that without Callibration we cannot advise or comment on your changes. Callibration ensures that everyone is talking about the same thing, with a known point of reference.


When people talk about a ‘cup of sugar’ or ‘pint of water’ that is a known measurement that everyone can understand and measure by.

Likewise, when everyone is talking colour, callibrated monitors gives everyone a known baseline to work to. If you have a callibrated monitor, and I have a callibrated monitor, and I tell you that your image is ‘too red’ we know that we are both looking at the image the same way. If my monitor was not callibrated and over-pushed the reds, me telling you your image is ‘too red’ and you reducing the reds, means when someone else looks at the image, they will say ‘not enough red’.

If I am colour blind, would you trust my opinion on colour? No, because I see things different to you.

If you do not callibrate your monitor to a known standard, no one can help you because we don’t see the same colours as your monitor. We are looking at your changes on our monitors and our monitors display colours differently to yours.

I do not speak French, so I cannot critique your French writing. Without Callibrating your monitor we are speaking a different language.

If you don’t callibrate, no one can help you as no one sees what you see, and if no one can help you, there’s no point posting for help or comments.

Does any of that make sense to you?

Star Wars Video Games - a general discussion thread

Stumbled upon this today on YouTube, looks very promising:


“XWVM is a mod to the original Star Wars: X-Wing game from Lucas Arts and Totally Games by Larry Holland and Edward Kilham. Our goal is to rebuild the game engine with newer technologies that allow it to run and make use of the latest hardware and improvements in gaming hardware. The mod will require the player to own and have installation of the original Star Wars: X-Wing game, or have the GOG or Steam versions of X-Wing Special Edition (either the 1993 floppy, the 1994 CD, and/or 1998 Windows edition). XWVM neither contains nor distributes any copyrighted material. All game resource files (missions, voiceovers, SFX, iMUSE automaton, etc) are loaded from the player’s copy of the original game, or are original creations of our team, where the original resources are considered inadequate for today’s standards.”

<strong>4K77</strong> - Released

skywalkerfan101 said:

benduwan said:

skywalkerfan101 said:

Speaking of 2160p. What’s the recommended disc size for burning 4k?


Are you sure? When burning the Despecialized ISOs (with the menus), I needed discs that were 25GB or higher.

I think he might be “yanking your chain”…

05-Star.Wars.4K77.2160p.UHD.DNR.35mm.x265-v1.0.mkv is 48.3 GB (51,888,898,602 bytes) in size. That will not fit on a BD50, so you would be looking at something like a triple layered BD100.

BUT, it’s not as simple as a size of disc - to make the ISO you need to author a build a UHD 4K compliant Blu-ray, which this source video will not be. I’m not aware of anyone working on such a thing.

Forget burning it to disc, and instead pick up a high quality, fast USB stick (64GB). That will be your best option at present.

Episode VIII : <strong>The Last Jedi</strong> - film &amp; fan art, + covers etc

This was published March 27 but couldn’t see it referenced in this topic:


Last Jedi Custom Cover 1

More PDFs to download in the link. Cool, but not my personal cup of tea. The Solo Artwork is done by the artist behind Poe Dameron and Chewbacca series comics, and does look awesome.

Phantom Menace '99 - HD Theatrical Version by Chewielewis (a WIP)

ZigZig said:

Chewielewis said:
Seems silly to call this a competition.

I agree. Who said “I want to be the first to release” ?

ZigZig said:
Especially since my project is a bit more late than before because I tried to reorient my way of doing (new sources, new techniques, new schedule) so not to compete with you.

To ‘compete’ is to call something a ‘competition’, no?

Best of luck to both of you - the community benefits either way, and each creator get’s the level of satifaction that they want from their respective project.

Info Wanted: Anyone working on a color correction and re-graining of Terminator 2 - 4k mastered?

ChainsawAsh said:

Funcha said:

Until someone cracks ULTRA-HD copy protection, no.

Wait, if UHD BD copy protection still isn’t cracked, where are all the 2160p 10bit HDR “BDRemux” torrents I’ve been seeing lately coming from?

It’s cracked, just limited drive support and even more limited software support.

Dealing with People Selling Fan Projects

Slight change of pace from reporting listinsg. Going back through this thread, here is a summary of the sellers, their location, what they are selling, and some additional notes:

Ebay User Location Fan Project(s) being sold Notes
tearjerker85 Aberdeen, United Kingdom NJVC Feature Discs Item Quote - “Painstakingly reconstructed and burned by me with custom artwork on Blu Ray discs.” FrankT Trilogy Cover Art. Bidding item (£57.78 / $80.68). Joined Mar 05, 2005.
sunsetreaper Mission, Texas, United States Harmy 720p? Item Quote - “i will send the movies WITH TEMPORARY ‘‘ONE DRIVE’’ OR DROPBOX LINK TO DOWNLOAD THE MOVIES TO YOUR COMPUTER”. ($15.00). Joined Jun 16, 2009.
www.trilogybluray.tk TBC TBC No listings currently. Joined Feb 04, 2018.
sellingstuffagain San Diego, California, United States NJVC 6 Disc Trilogy + 12 Disc Edition. No listings currently. Last item ‘sold’ for $99.00. Has also previously sold a ‘Trilogy + Star Tours + Holiday Special’ set for $190.00. Item Quote - “I am only selling you the time it took to create this wonderful set, with the cost of the ink, blank Blu-rays, blank DVD’s, Blu-ray cases. The time it took to cut and format everything. Trust me, it is not easy making these sets. I am throwing in the content for free because you already own a format of the official source.” Joined Dec 11, 2007.
teamblu_video Decatur, Alabama, United States Despecialized Trilogy & Team Blu projects. Despecialized = $55. Team Blu = $30 each. Joined Apr 10, 2017.
ldsentertainment123 Chicago, Illinois, United States NJVC Feature Discs? No listings currently. Trilgy was $40. Last listing quote 10 available, 39 sold but now reports “This listing was ended by the seller because the item is no longer available.” Joined Aug 13, 1999.
daily-smack San Diego, California, United States Custom? $55 for 3 Disc set. Don’t recognise the menus as NJVC? Joined Jun 18, 2001.
stinkytuna2000 Brooksville, Florida, United States Adywan edits, Holiday Special, Ewok Movies 30+ copies sold per ‘design’. Item quote - Do not ask to buy just the discs because I am not selling the discs. They are not for sale but are included at no additional charge when you get the case and artwork. If you don’t want to waste 3 days of your life trying to download it and burn it… I am giving you the gift of time. Joined Dec 18, 2000.
michaelrosecroft Bethpage, New York, United States Harmy 720p? Item quote - “These are MP4 files no discs and it’s only the films no extras.” $20 - 53 sold. Joined Mar 09, 2003.
iliveforhim1976 Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States TBC Starting bid of $79.99. Item no longer available. Joined Jul 07, 2003.
1597365420@deleted York, United Kingdom TBC Trilogy for £30 ($41.89). No longer a registered user. Joined March 5 2017.
serjamekenn Brunswick, Georgia, United States Harmy AVCHD Joined Oct 06, 2014.

Contact Listings
A quick Google search brought up the following contact details for US and UK organisations who deal with copyright theft.