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Post #520485

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anothe example of lucas changing things to appeal to a new generation lightsaber dueling styles of OT vs PT
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Date created
16-Aug-2011, 5:22 AM

haljordan28 said:

what bothers me is the OT  duels at least  had   a sense of realism to them  where the PT  was  nothing more than 2 hr long power ranger episodes.

ChainsawAsh said:

2 hour long Power Ranger episodes?  I don't think so.

They were overly flashy and didn't have much logic to them, I agree with that.  A Jedi should be able to hold his own in a duel while conserving as much energy as possible, which would be accomplished by only striking or defending when necessary.  Doing unnecessary flips and twirls ruins that, and makes the Jedi look ridiculous.

But Power Rangers?  Come on.

...Ya'll say that like it's automatically a bad thing. I'll leave you to your opinions so long as you hear me out.

Power Rangers has over 700 episodes. You honestly think there's no way that there's zero quality in there? Frankly I think that the Star Wars prequels fights/dialogue sometimes loose against Power Rangers episodes.

I'll let footage speak for itself.

Similar context: A friend is bad battling against the good friend. With Dialog.

Power Rangers fight scene as it appears in the actual episode

Side by side. If you haven't watched ROTS recently check out the clip for a more accurate comparison. Now honestly and, objectively which fight is more unbelievable?

Unfair you say? It's just a Power Rangers clip against a Star Wars Prequel clip in similar story contexts. Okay maybe I was a bit unfair multi-million dollar Star Wars movie production clip against low budget Power Rangers clip. Yes, Star Wars does deserve to have more help. {/sarcasm} So here ya go an entire 20 some minute Power Rangers eppy. Campared to a random Star Wars prequel clip. Only similarities you're supposed to feel scared for the characters and, it's a dark interior.

Random Power Rangers episode pt. 1
Random Power Rangers episode pt. 2
Random Power Rangers episode pt. 3
Star Wars AOTC clip with dialogue this time NO fan edit!!!

In terms of fighting which of the above was better?

Unfair, you say again? I chose to show you gun battles vs. melee battles? They're not comparable you say? *sigh* Fine. Hear ya go Power Rangers with super powers vs. a Star Wars prequel hardly powers using clip.

Power Rangers as it appears in episode
Star Wars ROTS fan edited

Though from a story context point of view there not comparable at all. A more comparable from story perspective fight in Power Rangers is here:

Lord Zedd vs. Tommy

To be honest the ONLY reason Palpatine stood a damn chance in that battle is because, the lightsaber can cut through steel like butter. He also has the power of the dark side clouding his apposition. Zedd just has an unreliable staff with no dark side mind clouding abilities. Palpatine is visibly tired otherwise. Zedd not so much. Hell take a look at the damn dialogue!

Power Rangers-
Tommy: *does some 'Hiyas'* "Okay Zedd, I'm ready for ya'!"
Zedd: "I'm far more powerful then you could ever handle White ranger!"
Tommy: *slight laugh* "We'll just have to see about that. Now won't we?"
Zedd: "Are those 'Hiyas' really necessary? Here I'll do some (mockingly) 'Ooo Ooo'. Come and, get me."

Star Wars-
Palpatine: "No, no, no, you will die!" *lightning shoot*
"He's a traitor!"
Windu: "He is the traitor uh!"
Palpatine: "I have the power to save Padme's life. You must choose!"

To me the Star Wars dialogue makes Anakin a complete moron and, Windu & Palpatine sound like children fighting over a toy. Meanwhile, the Power Rangers dialogue is far more natural and, actually makes sense! I mean one has some guy that just said "you will die" trying to play a victim while he's using a Sith trait of force lightning on a jedi knight. The other has a villian mocking the sounds the hero is making.

And, hell what about consequences to the War in the Galaxy? As plinkett pointed out there's not much. Meanwhile, in Power Rangers here's an instance of the world being occupied and, in shambles. Versus Naboo being invaded with the trade federation.

Power Rangers
Star Wars Occupied Naboo

In the Star Wars clip I want you to find a single indication that the general Naboo populace are not free to just sit at home in a nice cozy bed and, just watch tv. Are the droids invading or, visiting? Remember we're meant to believe these people are dying like, now and, stuff.

Meanwhile, in Power Rangers you see destroyed building debris, populace being pushed around, people are dirty, starving, need to create fire for heat at night. They spend what might be their last days alive sleeping in the scattered debris. Some are also injured. They try to stand up for themselves and, GET SHOT AT! Where is ANY of that in the Star Wars prequels??!! The regular populace in the prequels are mostly just going about there daily routine.

Yes there is some outrages stuff that does happen in Power Rangers. However considering they had an entire season taking place in a future where some 90% of Earth is dead.(clip) The survivors are forced to live in a protective dome. If the Star Wars prequels actually were more like Power Rangers I think they'd be a lot better... Course I could be wrong. Two guys fighting around lava... Expertly jumping to a 4 foot round platform in a river of lava, one guy jumping some 200 feet at least to do so... Only protected by cloth robes... Telling the guy able to jump some 200 feet escaping a lava fall that "It's over! I have the high ground" when standing just 4 feet higher... Yeah, all that could be way more realistic then the Power Rangers clip I posted of Dru just taking a gun and, shooting Sky.

I'm just saying hear me out on this one and, actually watch the posted clips side by side.
