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MalàStrana said:

I still don’t get this thread. What exactly are you doing to do with, for instance, Episode I ? You started this thread 11 months ago: what movie edit have you finished so far ?

To quote directly from the Prequel section in the changes:

"List of changes for the Prequel Trilogy:

Episode 4 (1-2):"

Both Episode 1 and 2 will be combined in a sense and almost the majority of Episode 1 will be cut (similar to how some other edits have done with the whole prequel trilogy). I’m currently working on incorporating Old Republic and fan edit footage into the project and then the change-list for the prequels will start(I do already have many ideas). As for the editing I want this massive project fully planned out and detailed before I go in and make changes. A clear vision with every change I want written down will help the editing process and I can take feedback before beginning.


Codeman said:
I’m currently working on incorporating Old Republic and fan edit footage into the project

Don’t you think the visual result is gonna be strange with so many different sources used ? Especially video game footage (EpIIis fake looking but still).


MalàStrana said:
Don’t you think the visual result is gonna be strange with so many different sources used ? Especially video game footage (EpIIis fake looking but still).

With the short pauses for narration and background information title cards I really think the transitions will be fine for most people. The only really major jump I can think of would be the Clone Wars series where you can easily tell it was animated but honestly it looks fine and the story content is worth the live action continuity loss. Have you seen the Old Republic trailers? They look very close to real life. All sources (besides a couple of deleted scenes) are available in 1080p or better and everything will be color corrected to match. Also, besides old republic I don’t know of any other games that I’m using as main sources?


Codeman said:

Ronster said:

I really do hope you have asked for permission to use various peoples hard work… Ok crediting is a given (apart from including the end credits sorry really bad move there) but I really hope you asked people if they mind you doing whatever you are going to do with not all their work but none the less quite a lot of work also.

This whole thread just comes off 100% disrespect

How does crediting people come off as disrespect? If you mean the creative liberties I’m going to take, several other fan edits make drastic changes. Please explain how putting hard work into creating an edit and crediting all works used, disrespects the creators?

Crediting people is not disrespectful, the point was have you asked anyone who’s sources you are using (their work) if it is ok if you make an edit from their work.

That was the question.

And that removing the end credits for the actual creators of the original films is also not that good a move as then there is literally nothing to state all the poeple that were involved in making the films.

So from what I read it felt like it was a double whammy nobody get’s credited if you were to watch your edit, please correct me If I am wrong and perhaps I read it wrong but that is what it seems or feels like when I read the thread.


Ronster said:

Codeman said:

Ronster said:

I really do hope you have asked for permission to use various peoples hard work… Ok crediting is a given (apart from including the end credits sorry really bad move there) but I really hope you asked people if they mind you doing whatever you are going to do with not all their work but none the less quite a lot of work also.

This whole thread just comes off 100% disrespect

How does crediting people come off as disrespect? If you mean the creative liberties I’m going to take, several other fan edits make drastic changes. Please explain how putting hard work into creating an edit and crediting all works used, disrespects the creators?

Crediting people is not disrespectful, the point was have you asked anyone who’s sources you are using (their work) if it is ok if you make an edit from their work.

That was the question.

And that removing the end credits for the actual creators of the original films is also not that good a move as then there is literally nothing to state all the poeple that were involved in making the films.

So from what I read it felt like it was a double whammy nobody get’s credited if you were to watch your edit, please correct me If I am wrong and perhaps I read it wrong but that is what it seems or feels like when I read the thread.

To quote directly from the project on this issue.
“Removing the credits for every film to make marathons seamless (they will be view-able through the menus, separate from their films)”

The credits will still be available in full. Sourced from despecialized most likely. The credits will be available so I don’t see an issue. Maybe you just missed seeing that due to the size of the post? Its quite long and only getting longer…