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Ideas and Suggestions for :Star Trek The Motion Picture (True Fan Edit) — Page 18


Love the visuals! Great work!

I will, however, point out that you should try to keep the original aspect ratio of 2.39:1. I'm sure you'll matte to it on the final cut.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


Thank you :) .and to be honest this is just a preview as to what the final thing will look like ill make sure the aspect ratio is correct when i compile everything together. 


I have done a massive error during the creation of my renders i have set the fps to 30 as standard but when I came to compile them into the film i realized that the film runs at 23.976 fps. I pumped the film upto 30 fps and the composition settings to 30fps. This made the audio run in sync with the video output but it left the film looking slightly jerky. Im kicking myself but there again its been a good learning curve. Ill add a video to youtube tomorrow and ask you guys for some feed back see if you think i need to redo all of the klingon sequence, which is not a major problem as im still not happy with it.