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I like your old stuff better than your new stuff.


Movies used to be great, now they suck!


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Who's stuff are you talking about when you say "your"?

Don’t do drugs, unless you’re with me.


Posting here isn't as much fun as posting on Mike's forumn! :)


So Hollywoot got auldeh und canneh hack it anehmaur...



brycebayer said:

Posting here isn't as much fun as posting on Mike's forumn! :)

 That just means you're doing it wrong.


OP, when did the suck commence in your opinion?

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


When I read the title of this thread, the comic artist/writer John Byrne came instantly to mind. 


I pretty much agree with everything Poita said on Verta's thread.


This topic title describes my feelings about Star Trek.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


The TOS movies were great. The TNG movies were "acceptable" and the JJ movies were an illogical dumb mess


Movies, like Music nowadays, really doesn't hold the heart for me that they once used to.  Movies should make you want to go to the theater for the escape ..... and allow you to come out refreshed and excited.  This is certainly not the case these days unless there is a 35mm/70mm screening of an older movie that so many people love and miss.

Remakes and re-imaginings are a waste of time and money especially since the blood, sweat, and tears work of physical effects work has been slaughtered by CGI and the likes.  I miss the days of imagination and wonder that took me to another place as a kid and allowed me to take that home and dream.  Nowadays, it's mostly dread.



^My thoughts exactly.

I've never, ever been to the movies (Yeah, I know -- it's unbelievable; I had really cheap parents.), but with the state the mainstream film industry's in, I no longer have any desire to go to them.


If the OP is sarcastic, then completely agree. If not, then no way.

I'm firmly under the belief that some people will always think that "things USED to be better." It's not true. Maybe if you looked movie by movie, you could determine, but it's almost arbitrary. I call the 70s the best decade for film but that's because it has the largest collection of influential films. But it was all about timing. Cinema was reinventing itself and that decade was really the birth of the modern film.

But the truth is the 70s had countless shitty films. Just like now. And now has plenty of great, amazing works of art. You just have to know where to look.

I think there's certainly an argument to be made that the mainstream blockbusters are not as inventive because they're mostly just recycling old concepts, but that doesn't mean that there are absolutely no new, original stories out there. Just look. And yes, we're inundated with reboots, sequels, prequels, and spin-offs, but some are actually good, believe it or not. If it weren't for sequels we would never have The Godfather Part II, or The Empire Strikes Back. 

People need to be a little more open minded. Sure, it's fun to bemoan modern Hollywood and decree every new movie a work of shit, but the truth is, if you do that, you're going to miss out on a lot of good films that 30 years from now people will be complaining are the types of movies that don't get made anymore.

Basically, what a crock of shit.


Jetrell Fo said:

Movies, like Music nowadays, really doesn't hold the heart for me that they once used to. 

 I'd argue that music is actually better now, as there are so many more ways to find it.

We aren't stuck with five crappy radio stations anymore.


Tell that to a recently repaired old teddy bear!

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.