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Info: AMANUENSES project


spoRv presents the AMANUENSES project…

Definitions of amanuensis: a person employed to write or type what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another. Amanuenses is plural, and defines all the persons who will be involved in this project

Project mission: transcript different languages dialogs (or written essays, scripts etc.) to plain text files, to be used for literal subtitles and as base for translations. It must be verbatim (word for word), done preferably by native language persons.

Sources: any Star Wars related - firstly the Original Trilogy, Prequel Trilogy; then all the extra materials that often are released only in english; could be audio-video (as movies, supplemental materials etc.), audio or written text.

Methods: usually the work will be done by hand, from scratch, listening to the dialogs or reading the text, then type the transcription; could be also based onto a previous work - like a standard subtitle file, or produced using other methods (OCR, speech-to-text); the most important thing is that the final work should be CHECKED by a human person.

Releases: all the released files must be plain text; could be only simple transcription, or other kind of files - like .srt subtitles; when files other than plain text are used, you should mention for which version is suitable. They will be release here:


There are other free text hosting, but this one has more than 50,000 characters limit (actually 65,635), no ads, and we could use a free subdomain for this project…

I want to…

  • post my content

Before all, read the simple posting rules - including a simple FAQ; then go to http://amanuenses.pastebay.com and post it there! Don’t forget to add it to the RELEASED CONTENT post! Of course, you could always post your comments and URL here.

  • revise someone else’s content

Go to http://amanuenses.pastebay.com, take your content, change/adapt/revise it accordingly to your project, and post your new content in the same place. Don’t forget to add it to the RELEASED CONTENT post, with credit to the original poster.

  • use someone else’s content

Go to http://amanuenses.pastebay.com and take what you need. It will be great if you visit the USED CONTENT post, and write the URL of the project or web page where the content is used, along with some comments.

  • find help for my project

Post your request here; if someone could and would help you, he/she could post here, and post the released content on http://amanuenses.pastebay.com.

<span style=“text-decoration: underline;”>this project is open to everyone: you could help by trascribe a dialog in your language, and you could use the transcription done for your own project; don’t forget to give credit to everyone who deserve it!</span>

I decided to start this project after I worked with my OUT [ruLes] version; when I watched it properly, relaxed on the couch with my family, checking the italian subtitles, we all noted how far from the dialogs the subs are… they were only mere translations of the english subs!

A casual viewer can live with it, but I can’t! Then I decided to do literal subtitles; it could be useful to someone who wants to learn my language, or just have fun to read how a foreign word/phrase is written. Maybe it’s not top priority, but to me it deserves to be done!

At the moment, I’ve done the transcription of the italian soundtracks, both OUT and SET; marvins as almost finished the OUT french subtitles, and spielt mit is willing to do the same with the german subtitles…

This forum is great… I found here a lot of people who helped me with my projects; I hope this project will help someone else in exchange!

Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash… 😦 | [Fundamental Collection] thread | blog.spoRv.com | fan preservation forum: fanres.com


I just added the italian literal subtitles, full and forced, to use with OUT and SET, along with the english literal subs for SET:


The OUT subs could be easily changed to be used with GOUT, while SET subs could be used with the 2004 DVD with minimal changes.

Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash… 😦 | [Fundamental Collection] thread | blog.spoRv.com | fan preservation forum: fanres.com


For those still not quite sure what the difference is between Andrea's project and my own, it's the old and sometimes controversial distinction between "subtitles" and "dubtitles".

Dubs are rarely literal translations of the original dialogue and necessarily introduce some changes.  My project's subs attempt to be literal translations of the English audio; this project would create subs that literally match the dubs.  Both are "literal", but based on two different audio references.  Feel free to use any of my subs as a starting point or reference if it would help.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


CatBus, thanks for your support!

I've started this project because there are other users who are interested in literal subtitles...

Is it a well known fact that Star Wars characters' names are sometimes changed in other languages dub, and italian is not different... I KNOW that they are wrong now, buy as I was grown up with those names, it's fun to hear them and read them in the literal subtitles... call it "nostalgia"! (^^,)

Let's see some differences between english and italian subtitles - which one is the literal, and which one is not? (only ONE character's name was changed, to not discover which one is literal)

Did you hear that?
Hai sentito?
Did you hear (that)?

Hai sentito quel rumore?
Did you hear that noise?

They shut down the main reactor.
Hanno colpito il reattore principale.
They hit the main reactor.

Hanno disattivato il reattore.
They turned off the reactor.

We’ll be destroyed for sure.
Saremo certamente distrutti.
We will certainly be destroyed.

Stiamo per essere annientati.
We are going to be destroyed.

This is madness.
Questa è pazzia!
This is madness!

Che follia.
What madness.

We’re doomed.
Siamo condannati.
We're condemned.

Siamo perduti.
We're lost.

There’ll be no escape for the princess this time.
Non c'è scampo questa volta per la principessa.
There is no escape this time for the princess.

Questa volta la principessa non avrà scampo.
This time the Princess will not escape.

What’s that?
Cos’è questo?
What is this?

Cos’è quel rumore?
What is that noise?

R2-D2, where are you?
RD-D2, dove sei?
RD-D2, where are you?

R2-D2, dove sei?
R2-D2, where are you?

At last!


Where have you been?
Dove sei stato?
Where have you been?

Dove sei stato?
Where have you been?

They’re heading in this direction.
Stanno venendo da questa parte.
They're coming this way.

Sono diretti da questa parte.
They're headed this way.

What are we going to do?
Che cosa facciamo?
What do we do?

Cosa possiamo fare?
What can we do?

We’ll be sent to the spice mines of Kessel,
or smashed into who knows what!
Ci manderanno alle miniere di Kessel o ci
schiacceranno riducendoci a chissà cosa.
We will be sent to the mines of Kessel or they
will crush and reduces us to who knows what.

Finiremo nelle miniere di Kessel
o riciclati chissà come.
We will end up in the mines of Kessel
or recycled somehow.

Wait a minute.
Aspetta un momento.
Wait a minute.


Where are you going?
Dove stai andando?
Where are you going?

Dove vai?
Where do you go?

The Death Star plans are not in the main computer.
I piani della Morte Nera non sono nel loro computer principale.
The Death Star plans are not in their main computer.

I piani della Morte Nera non sono nel computer principale.
The Death Star plans are not in the main computer.

Where are those transmissions you intercepted?
Dove sono quelle trasmissioni che avete intercettato?
Where are those transmissions you intercepted?

Dove sono quelle trasmissioni che avete intercettato?
Where are those transmissions you intercepted?

– What have you done with those plans?
– Che ne avete fatto di quei piani?
- What have you done with those plans?

– Che ne avete fatto di quei piani?
- What have you done with those plans?

– We intercepted no transmissions.
– Non abbiamo intercettato nessuna trasmissione.
- We intercepted no transmission.

– Non abbiamo intercettato alcuna trasmissione.
- We intercepted no transmissions.

This is a consular ship.
Questa è un'astronave consolare.
This is a consular spaceship.

Questa è una nave consolare.
This is a consular ship.

We’re on a diplomatic mission.
Siamo... siamo in missione diplomatica...
We ... we are on a diplomatic mission ...

La nostra missione è diplomatica.
Our mission is diplomatic.

If this is a consular ship, where is the ambassador?
Se questa è una nave consolare, dov'è l'ambasciatore?
If this is a consular ship, where is the ambassador?

Se questa è una nave consolare, dov'è l'ambasciatore?
If this is a consular ship, where is the ambassador?

Commander, tear this ship apart
Comandante, faccia a pezzi questa nave
Commander, tear this ship apart

Comandante, faccia a pezzi la nave
Commander, tear the ship apart

until you’ve found those plans...
finché non ha trovato quei piani!
until you have found those plans!

e trovi quei piani!
and find those plans!

...and bring me the passengers!
E mi porti i passeggeri!
And bring me the passengers!

E mi porti i passeggeri!
And bring me the passengers!

I want them alive!
Li voglio vivi!
I want them alive!

Li voglio vivi!
I want them alive!

There’s one.
Eccone una.
Here is one.

Eccone una.
Here is one.

Set for stun.
Preparatevi a stordirla.
Get ready to stun.

Dobbiamo stordirla.
We need to stun her.

She’ll be all right.
Rinverrà presto.
She'll wake up soon.

Se la caverà.
She'll be fine.

Inform Lord Vader we have a prisoner.
Informate Lord Fener che abbiamo una prigioniera.
Inform Lord Vader we have a (female) prisoner.

Informate Lord Fener che abbiamo un prigioniero.
Inform Lord Vader we have a (male) prisoner.

Hey! You’re not permitted in there.
Ehi, non puoi entrare là dentro.
Hey, you can not go in there.

Non puoi entrare lì dentro.
You can not go in there.

It’s restricted.
È zona riservata.
It's restricted area.

È vietato.
Is prohibited.

You’ll be deactivated for sure.
Ti disattiveranno, vedrai,
They will deactivate you, you'll see.

Ti disattiveranno di sicuro.
They will deactivate you for sure.

Don’t you call me a mindless philosopher
Non darmi del filosofo senza cervello,
Do not call me a mindless philosopher,

E non darmi del filosofo scemo,
And do not call me a fool philosopher,

you overweight glob of grease!
mucchio di grasso lubrificante.
pile of lubricating grease.

bioccolo di grasso che non sei altro.
flock of fat that you are nothing.

Now come out before somebody sees you.
Vieni via prima che ti vedano.
Come away before they see you.

Vieni fuori prima che ti vedano.
Come out before they see you.

“Secret mission”? What plans?
Missione segreta? Quali piani?
Secret mission? What plans?

Missione segreta? Quali piani?
Secret mission? What plans?

What are you talking about? I’m not getting in there.
Di che stai parlando? Io là non ci entro.
What are you talking about? I'm not going in there.

Di che stai parlando? Io lì dentro non ci vengo.
Of which are you talking about? I'm not going in there.

I’m going to regret this.
Me ne pentirò amaramente.
I will regret bitterly.

So che me ne pentirò.
I know that I will regret.

– There goes another one.
– Eccone un altro.
- Here's another one.

– Eccone un altro.
- Here's another one.

– Hold your fire.
– Non sparate.
- Do not shoot.

– Non sparate.
- Do not shoot.

There’s no life forms.
Non ci sono forme di vita.
There are forms of life.

Non ci sono forme di vita.
There are forms of life.

It must have short-circuited.
Avrà avuto un corto circuito
He must have had a short circuit

Dev’essere stato un corto circuito.
It must have been a short circuit.

That’s funny. The damage doesn’t look as bad from out here.
È buffo. Il danno non sembra tanto grave, da qui.
It's funny. The damage does not seems so serious, from here.

Che buffo. I danni non sembrano gravi, visti da qua fuori.
What funny. The damages do not seem serious, viewed from outside.

Are you sure this thing is safe?
Sei certo che quest'affare sia sicuro?
Are you sure that this thing is safe?

Sei sicuro che non sia pericoloso?
Are you sure it is not dangerous?

Darth Vader.
Darth Fener!
Darth Fener!

Dart Fener.
Darth Fener.

Only you could be so bold.
Solo tu potevi osare tanto!
Only you could dare so much!

Solo tu potevi essere tanto sfacciato.
Only you could be so frontless.

The Imperial Senate will not sit still for this.
Non la passerai liscia con il Centro Imperiale.
You will not get away with the Imperial Center.

Il Senato Imperiale non tollererà questo attacco.
The Imperial Senate will not tolerate this attack.

When they hear you’ve attacked a diplomatic—
Quando sentiranno che hai attaccato una missione...
When you feel that you attacked a (diplomatic) mission ...

Avete attaccato una missione diplo—
You attacked a diplomatic mission

Don’t act so surprised, Your Highness.
Non siate così sorpresa, Altezza.
Do not be so surprised, Your Highness.

Non fingetevi sorpresa, Altezza.
Do not pretend to be surprised, Your Highness.

You weren’t on any mercy mission this time.
La vostra non era una missione di soccorso.
Your (mission) was not a rescue mission.

Questa non è certo una missione caritatevole.
This is not certainly a charitable mission.

Several transmissions were beamed to this ship by rebel spies.
Parecchi segnali sono stati diretti a questa nave da spie ribelli.
Several signals have been directed to this ship by Rebel spies.

Questa nave ha ricevuto varie trasmissioni da spie ribelli.
This ship has received several transmissions from Rebel spies.

I want to know what happened to the plans they sent you.
Voglio sapere che fine hanno fatto i piani che vi hanno trasmesso.
I want to know what happened to the plans that they sent you.

Voglio sapere dove sono finiti i piani che vi hanno trasmesso.
I want to know where are gone the plans that they sent you.

I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Non so neanche di che cosa parli.
I do not know what you're talking.

Non so di cosa parli.
I do not know what you mean.

I’m a member of the Imperial Senate
Sono un membro del Senato Imperiale
I am a member of the Imperial Senate

Sono un membro del Senato Imperiale
I am a member of the Imperial Senate

on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan.
in missione diplomatica ad Alderaan.
on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan.

in missione diplomatica ad Alderaan.
on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan.

You are part of the Rebel Alliance, and a traitor.
Voi fate parte dell'Alleanza Ribelle, siete una traditrice.
You are part of the Rebel Alliance, you are a traitor.

Fate parte dell’Alleanza Ribelle e siete una traditrice.
You are part of the Rebel Alliance and you are a traitor.

Take her away!
Portatela via!
Take her away!

Portatela via!
Take her away!


Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash… 😦 | [Fundamental Collection] thread | blog.spoRv.com | fan preservation forum: fanres.com


This would be pretty complicated to do for my language, because there are now three different Czech dubs of Star Wars, the first one has pretty low audio quality but acceptable translation and very good performances. The other one, done for the 97SE has the same performers delivering a slightly worse performance, it has a bit better audio quality and a horrible translation. The third one was done for the BD and I haven't heard the whole thing but it seems to have the best translation but the worst performances and voice choices (Han is actually dubbed by the guy who dubbed Luke in both previous dubs, so for us "old" fans it's really bizarre to listen to it). And I would never in a million years recommend that any of these be used for a subtitle translation. What I'd really like (and it seems like I'm gonna have to do it myself when I find some time for it) would be subtitles with as literal a translation of the original dialog as possible.


This thread needs more visibility, kudos to you, cause it's a great project.

I'm using your ANH transcript for my current preservation.


Leonardo, you are welcome!

Credit for the subs is really appreciated! (^^,)

Also, any volunteer for the last and the next project? Jurassic Park 1 & 2 need french literal subs ASAP; then german and spanish, if I'll find the PCM laserdisc soundtracks.

Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash… 😦 | [Fundamental Collection] thread | blog.spoRv.com | fan preservation forum: fanres.com